Thursday, 29 March 2012

Channel Ten's Reality Shows

Here begins my commentary on happenings in current news and also general news in television in Australia. I have an interest in this as I study TV Production and from time to time I like to find out whats new on the box and have an interest in how they are made.
In the past week, Channel Ten have announced the release of 'reality shows' titled "The Shire" and another called "Being Lara Bingle"(-that would be a thrilling experience). Personally, I don't really watch this genre on TV as I could easily find myself doing something better with my time. However, I must admit, I usually like to check the first few episodes just for interests sake. Channel Ten have a reputation with the reality form where "Big Brother' was a hit for many years and is now being revived this year with Channel Nine.
"The Shire" is going to portray the lives of young people who live in Cronulla, Sydney, and set apparently in similar form to great shows like Jersey Shore and The Hills, US hits about the exciting lives of young people in their 20's. ( Sarcasm is intended for most of that last sentence.)
The Sutherland Shire Council has put their foot down and has been vocal about how it does not welcome or want the production while Network Ten and the producers, Shine, have been clear in saying that the council has nothing to fear, and  anyway, it can't stop them.
These type of shows I believe are developed and semi-scripted where the scenes would be carefully scheduled and lit up and the cast members would from time to time have a choreographed cat fight or two. One thing is for sure; the actors will be good looking and emotional. And I'm pretty sure people wanting to apply will get their 15 minutes of fame out of it all.
Basically what I'm saying is that I believe Channel Ten should put their ideas and money towards better projects and instead of making Miss Bingle's pocket heavier. Yet I still plan to check it out when it airs..
The cast of the US show Jersey Shore, similar to what The Shire will be based on.
And here's a cartoon I found on The Daily Telegraph site, from cartoonist Warren Brown.

Link to Cartoon page

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