Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Assessment #3.

I have enjoyed using Blogger the most and have learnt a great deal during the time I have been using it, since I had heard of it yet never used it before. In total, I have made 25 posts and this has involved a fair bit of work by experimenting with templates. I believe I repositioned the layout to the way I finally liked it in the end. Since Assessment #1, I have made quite a few changes to the look of my blog. I have changed the background as well as various colours, fonts and also my main title. I have discovered, that by altering these finer details, the appearance of the blog can quickly change. In my blog posts, I have continued to cover the latest TV news of interest to me and have discussed topics that others may hopefully find interesting as well by also including a range of videos and pictures. Sometimes it has involved a small amount of research to make sure all the facts I'm relaying are true for the reader. I have also added 2 RSS feeds to my blog that are of interest to me.

I have uploaded a total of 25 images to Flickr over time and this has involved a random collection of sourced images as well as of pictures I have taken myself. It is very easy to use and in my set, I have a continuing theme with my obsession of Star Wars.

This site is useful to have bookmarked if you like to look at a lot of sites, yet I discovered I don't look at that many usually anyway. I have saved 29 links through 4 stacks. I was putting all the links into one personal stack for the majority of the session until I realised there should be more. The other two personal stacks are categorised in a way to my own liking.

I made my own website through iWeb and before that I learnt of the html formatting which was interesting as well. My website became a extension of my blog in a way, while making reference to it and discussing TV as well. It is something I would like to further explore sometime and other programs like it as I discovered the templates in iWeb were very handy to use and base my ideas around.

The subject has been a really useful introduction to aspects of the internet I feel I should have already known about before- yet never delved into, and in telling the truth, I have enjoyed doing the work.


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